Jamie Foxx | Profile,Bio and New Photos 2012


Birth Name: Eric Morlon Bishop
Birth Date: December 13, 1967
Birth Place: Terrell, Texas, USA
Height: 5' 10
Sex: Male
Nationality: American
Profession: actor, comedian, producer
Claim to fame: as Willie Beamen in Oliver Stone' Any Given Sunday (1999)

Jamie Foxx Short Bio: He was born on the 13th of December, 1967, in Terrell, Texas, a town of 14,000 some 40 kms east of Dallas along Route 80. His upbringing was unusual, to say the least. Thirteen years earlier, his mother, Louise Annette, had been adopted by Mark and Esther Talley. Before young Eric's birth, the now teenager's marriage to Darrell Bishop (later known as Shahid Abdulah after a conversion to Islam) was in trouble. Maybe a move to Dallas would put them back on track, a new start, without the baby (it didn't work, they'd divorce in 1974). So, at just 7 months old, Eric was, like his mother, adopted by the Talleys.

Jamie Foxx would have to wait a little longer than the others. Sure, In Living Color would bring him his own TV series and a recording career, and would lend him huge kudos on the stand-up circuit. But this most talented of entertainers was after the big prize - a serious acting career as a serious headliner. After several raucous black comedies, he was taken on by the heavyweight likes of Oliver Stone and Michael Mann, honed his craft then, in 2004, a full decade after the demise of In Living Color, he broke through into the big-time - first as the taxi driver terrorised by Tom Cruise's hitman in Collateral, then as a stunningly accurate Ray Charles in Taylor Hackford's acclaimed biopic, Ray. Awards showered down on him, including an Oscar and a Golden Globe, and those serious parts came his way. With Carrey still struggling to break away from comic stereotyping, it could be argued that Foxx was the first ILC alumnus to really make the thespian grade. Visit Here for more about Jamie Foxx.

 Jamie Foxx
 Jamie Foxx
Jamie Foxx
Jamie Foxx